May 2019
On behalf of the Board of Directors for Tim’s Tribute, we would like to update you our donors and friends. In the fall we discussed some background to the past couple years and how the charity had formalized processes with groups such as victim services and police departments. In November 2018 when we penned the letter, Tim’s Tribute had worked with and supported 22 cases. It is now May of 2019 and as of today we are at 36 such cases. The need has been great, and we prayerfully thank each of you for working along side of us.
In November it was mentioned that we would begin fundraising efforts once again, announcing initiatives that would allow us to continue to provide the services being offered. Services such as the Healing Tree counselling sessions for victim’s families; as well as the case by case assistance for immediate needs to families during the crisis stage of loss.
It is with great pleasure that we announce the Tim’s Tribute banquet that will take place SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2, 2019 at the beautiful new MONTHILL Golf and Country Club Tickets for this evening will be sold in the months ahead. Seating is limited to 450 tickets so you may pre-order if you wish (
The evening will begin with a dinner, both silent and live auction items and live entertainment (there is a special musical guest coming, but we will keep that under wraps for a little longer.)
It is our hope that you will attend this semi formal evening. There will also be corporate sponsorship opportunities that we will be putting forward in the coming weeks as well as a list of media opportunities. We value your prayers and support as collectively we provide early response vital support to families who suffer through homicide.
Thank you,
Garett Eggink
On behalf of the Board of Directors, Tim’s Tribute
November 2018
On behalf of the Board of Directors for Tim’s Tribute, I’d like to take this opportunity to say hello and update our donors and friends. We have not spoken publicly since the last letter we sent out in 2017. Since that time, much has happened within the charity as we provide assistance for those who suffer through the devastation endured from homicide of a cherished loved one.
When we last spoke publicly, we informed you that Tim’s Tribute was going to take a break from fundraising as we organized and developed channels to which those funds could be dispersed. Since that time, Tim’s Tribute has accomplished this with both programs and early responder funds given to the families left behind. Various detachments of Police Services, including Victims Services, now utilize Tim’s Tribute as a trusted confidential source for victims to receive this assistance.
24 cases. It’s with a heavy heart that we report our financial assistance has been provided in 24 cases thus far. I say heavy heart because we are made privy to the cases and the needs of the victims. None of us would have expected the amount of qualifying cases we see. The need exceeded our expectations.
In each file that is approved by the board for financial assistance, Tim’s Tribute acts as an early responder paying for items such as emergency needs, food, items for children left behind, funeral costs as well as costs associated with court time. Families may receive upwards of several thousands of dollars in each case and do so within days of the approved request. Not all requests are approved, and the amounts given are based entirely on a case by case basis.
The Healing Tree is now running several aspects of its program offering 12-week support programs with registered psychologists and facilitators who are well versed in homicide. These programs are attended by many victims who
travel up to several hours to attend. In addition to the 12-week programs, we offer monthly meetings with continued focus on healthy healing. We have secured and utilize office and meeting spaces for this to happen and are grateful for the private subsidies we have received to do so.
Tim’s Tribute had committed to focus on dispersing funds entrusted to the charity. We are satisfied that this part of the charity is now functioning as it should. Early in 2019, we will announce some events that we are hoping you’ll be a part of. Events to reboot the task of raising funds for this worthwhile endeavor. We look forward to sharing these plans with you as they come
available. In the mean time if you would like to assist Tim’s Tribute financially, we are accepting donations again.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Garett Eggink
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
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